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How To Optimize Your Columbus Home Office With Home Automation

The commute to the office hasn’t happened for a while now, and it’s apparent that you're a pro at this work-from-home situation. You’ve moved on from the kitchen table and have a designated area configured as your professional business space. Now you're ready to take it to the next level and automate your Columbus home office. Features like easily controllable smart lighting, thermostats, and speakers have the ability to make your space more suitable for your job.

But what items should you invest in, and how can you optimize your Columbus home office with home automation?

Illuminate your Zoom calls with smart light bulbs

One of the nicest benefits of working from home is that you no longer have to deal with harsh light from fluorescent bulbs. Sitting under light coming through a window or a softer bulb is known to lift your spirits, decrease eye strain, and upgrade the general feel of the room. Still, some lighting options might also cause problems on Zoom meetings or on your computer’s screen. Certainly, you can keep getting up, stepping over to the switch on your wall, and flipping on and off your lights. But that can become a hassle as you complete that task frequently throughout your day.

With a smart light, you can better control your lights without leaving your chair. Just pull up the lighting on your cellphone application and lower them until you have the light level you need. You also have the ability to set your smart lighting to flip off at the end of the day, letting you know that it's time to log off.

Smart thermostats make it comfortable at work

Along with dimming your lighting with your smartphone app, you will also be able to manage your temperature settings. When you get a little overheated over the course of your day, are you rushing to another area of your house to manually lower the temperature? Or do you remain at your desk and then get drowsy because it's stuffy within the house? And computers give off heat as well -- most notably when you spend the day with a laptop in constant contact with your legs.

A smart thermostat allows you to easily alter comfort levels until you find the perfect temperature. This ability to adjust is lovely on pleasant days, where the sun streams through and causes hot spots in your office. However, on variable weather days, you may discover that you're remotely controlling the thermostat 3-4 times a day!

Automate your home office in Columbus with your smart speaker

While smart light bulbs and thermostats may be the best way to automate your Columbus home office, you are able to bring together a large assortment of smart components. For example, a doorbell camera lets you know when boxes have been delivered without going to the front door. Smart locks can keep your home office secure. Or set up a smart plug that gives you control over everyday items, like your coffee maker or printer.

If you are looking to combine your smart components within a single platform, you may go with a home automation system like ones offered by Vivint, or you have the choice of adding a more hodge-podge dump of skills programmed to your Alexa or Google Home. Either way, you are able to utilize your smart speaker to manage your connected smart items through simple voice commands. To illustrate, say "Alexa, dim lights to 40 percent" to remove glare. Or say, "Alexa, start my meeting," and instantly transform your work space with the ideal light, thermostat settings, and sound for your video conference calls.

Automate your home office with Vivint

The most sensible strategy to bring a new level of automation to your home office is by integrating a complete smart home and security package. Contact us today, and a Vivint expert will guide you through your home automation and security choices. Then we will customize the ideal plan for your property.

Call (706) 770-6611 or submit the following form to get started.